I am convinced that one cause of our country’s increases in violence, mental health problems, addictions, as well as a corresponding lack of resilience and an inability to empathize or understand a different point of view, is poor diet. As a people, Americans are malnourished.
The abysmal state of American physical and mental health and the resulting boom in the healthcare industry is truly astonishing, but becomes less and less so the more you learn about REAL food that nourishes the body and its opposites, industrialized agriculture, processed foods, and government-approved dietary guidelines. This cookbook will lead you and your family back to health if you’ve lost it, and help you keep it if you’re fortunate enough to still have it. I would also recommend becoming a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation, a voice of sanity in the food wilderness that so much of America has become.
I was fortunate to discover the importance of nutrition early in my journey. Hatha yoga led me to improve my diet ever so gently, effortlessly and intuitively. I am blessed to be able to afford organic fruits, vegetables, eggs, meat, and poultry, but if that is not practical for you, try to find the freshest unprocessed foods available. Supporting community-based agriculture is a good start, as is planting your own garden—in pots, on a rooftop, wherever you can. Good nutrition is the first step to regaining physical and emotional health.